What You Receive during this Powerful 2-Hour Masterclass:
~Entry into the main masterclass training room, plus workshop replay access supporting integration.
~Plus an opportunity to participate in Q&A session with Jill, ask questions about ANYTHING that’s currently holding you back in life!
~Experience being held and supported in a powHERhouse container.
~ACCESS to 1- hour Vision Expansion call with Jill. Tuesday, March 15 at 4:30pm Eastern.
Discover 5 Keys To Vision Ignition:
UNLOCK Your Blocks
- CREATE with Clarity
- DEEPEN Spirit Connection
- ACTIVATE Your Purpose
- MATCH Your Vision’s Vibration
Special Bonus Gift #1: a Laser Coaching Call with Jill, normally a $147 investment. This transformational call supports you to uncover what is really in your way and you will gain clarity on the ideal vision you hold for your life!
Special Bonus Gift #2: an energy body activating Meditation Bundle ($111 Value)
Take advantage of this impactful masterclass and join from the comfort of your own space.
Your purpose is in your VISION and it’s time to IGNITE your fire and create a new, expanded reality! See you on the inside, Sis!
Join Masterclass for only $88